Ana Flavia Zuim
Zuim AF, Stewart C, Titze I. Vocal Dose and Vocal Demands in Contemporary Musical Theatre. Journal of Voice, 2021.
Zuim AF, Lloyd AT, Gerhard J, Rosow D, Lundy D. Independence of Vocal Load from Vocal Pathology Across Singing Genres. Journal of Voice, 2021.
Zuim, A.F. (in press). Vocal diversity and the evolving field of contemporary voice pedagogy. Places and purposes of popular music education. Intellect.
Zuim AF, Pacheco C, Bezerra A. (in press). Atuação Fonoaudiológica e Pedagógica na Produção Vocal no Teatro Musical. Fundamentos e Atualidades em Voz Profissional; Editora Thieme-Revinter.
Zuim AF, Lloyd AT, Gerhard J, Rosow D, Lundy D. Associations of Education and Training with Perceived Singing Voice Function Among Professional Singers. Journal of Voice, 2019 Oct 31.
Alshaikh L, Zuim AF, Woolf K. Diet quality and physical activity patterns of musical theatre performers. Current Developments in Nutrition 3(Supp 1):nzz050.P16-031-19, 2019
Alshaikh L, Zuim A, Woolf K. Dietary and herbal supplement use among musical theatre performers. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 119(9):A79, 2019.
Gerhard J, Zuim AF, Lloyd A, Rosow DE. The Role of Observation and Mentorship in Voice Pedagogy Training. Journal of Voice. 2018 Oct 27.
Israeli Voice Association - Keynote Speaker 2023
“The Vocal Load of Professional Broadway Singers”
“Broadway Singing Demands
IAFOR - The International Academic Forum 2022
The 3rd Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture - Kyoto, Japan.
Presenter and Session Chair.
“Dosimetry Study publication findings on the Musical Wonderland”
Co-presenters: Dr. Ingo Titze, Dr. Celia Stewart
ASHA - The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2022
“Vocal Dose and Vocal Demands in Contemporary Musicals”
Co-presenters: Dr. Ingo Titze, Dr. Celia Stewart
The Voice Foundation 2022
“Early Investigation of Reported COVID-19 Symptoms in Singers.” Co-presenters: Dr. Aaron Johnson, Dr. Justin Moniz, Nicholas Connoly
Athens Institute of Education - Athens, Greece 2022
“Source-Vocal Tract Interaction Trends Among Female Broadway Belters.” Co-authors: Ingo Titze and Karin Titze-Cox
PAMA - Performing Arts Medicine Association 2022
“Dosimetry Study of Contemporary Lead Roles in Musical Theatre”
The Voice Foundation 2021
“Treatment seeking behaviors of CCM performers.” Co-presenters: Shirley Gherson
Athens Institute of Education 2021
“Correlation of Vocal Load and Student-Performer’s Perception of Vocal Effort During a Musical Theatre Production.” Co-authors: Ingo Titze and Celia Stewart
Choice for Voice - London 2021
“Lifestyle Risks and Treatment Seeking Behaviors of CCM Performers.” Co-presenters: Shirley Gherson
Working in Music Conference - University of Turku 2020
“Understanding Gender Inequality in Broadway Orchestras”
Work accepted for presentation, but conference was canceled due to the pandemic
Association of Popular Music Education - Edinburgh, Scotland 2020
“Pedagogical Tools for Maximizing Resonance by Increasing Vocal Tract Inertance for CCM Singers and Singer-Songwriters”
Work accepted for presentation, but conference was canceled due to the pandemic
The Voice Foundation (virtual conference) 2020
“A Voice Intake/Re-Assessment Form Toward Uniform Documentation for the Vocal Pedagogue”. Co-presenters: Rachelle Fleming and Julia Gerhard
PAVA “Documentation and Communication for the Voice Pedagogue.” 2018
Co-presenters: Julia Gerhard and Adam Lloyd
Voice Foundation 2018
“The Association of Vocal Load with Vocal Pathology and Differences Across Singing Genres”. Co-authors: Adam Lloyd, Julia Gerhard, Sheryl Rifas-Shiman, Donna Lundy and Dr. David Rosow.
Fall Voice Conference 2017
“Classical, Musical Theatre and Contemporary Commercial Singers’ History of Vocal Pathology and Level of Vocal Health Support in Professional Productions” Primary author. Co-authors: Adam Lloyd, Julia Gerhard, Sheryl Rifas-Shiman, Donna Lundy and Dr. David Rosow.
Laryngology Society of Australasia Conference 2016
“Associations of Education and Training with Perceived Singing Voice Function among Professional Singers.” Primary author. Co-authors: Dr. David Rosow, Dr. Julia Gerhard, Sheryl Rifas-Shiman and Adam Lloyd.
PAVA Pan American Vocology Association Conference 2016
“Professional Singer’s Education and Current Performance Practice.”
Co-authors: Adam Lloyd, Dr. David Rosow, Dr. Donna Lundy, Sheryl Rifas-Shiman and Amanda Demane.
Fall Voice Conference 2016
Panel discussion: “The Injured Performer: A team approach”
Panel moderators: Dr. Lucian Sulica and Dr. Karin Titze-Cox
Panel: Dr. Aaron Johnson, Dr. Ana Flavia Zuim, Dr. Brad Story, Dr. Marshall Smith, Dr. Christina Kang, Dr. David Lott, Dr. Blake Simpson.
PAVA Pan American Vocology Association - South America Webinar Series
1st Webinar in Brazil: “Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Therapy and Training” Dr. Ingo Titze. 2016
PAVA Pan American Vocology Association - South America Webinar Series 2016
2nd Webinar in Brazil/Portugal: “Motor Learning” Dr. Kittie Verdolini Abbott 2016
Voice Foundation Conference 2016
“A Survey and Mentored Practical Experience During Vocal Pedagogical
Training Across Genres.” Primary author. Co-authors: Dr. David Rosow
and Dr. Julia Gerhard.
PAVA Pan American Vocology Association Conference 2015
“Voice Teachers and Singing Voice Rehabilitation Specialists as part of the Extended Voice Team.” Primary author. Co-authors: Dr. Julia Gerhard and Dr. Esther Jane Hardenbergh.
Guest Panelist for the Question and Answer Panel: Multidisciplinary Practice.
Guest Panelist for the Question and Answer Panel: The “Pan American” in Pava, alongside Brazilian Speech Language Pathologist Mara Behlau.
RAAC Reciclagem e Atualização Clínico-Científica em Voz - 16a Edição 2015
International Webinar - Sao Paulo, Brazil -
“Promoting Vocal Health to Contemporary Singers through the Vocal Health Collaborative Partnership between the Frost School of Music and the Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami.”
APME Association of Popular Music Education Conference 2015
“Reimagining the Traditional Jury: Moving Forward in PME.”
Discussion Panel: Daniel Strange, Dr. Ana Flavia Zuim, Dr. Brian Russell, Rey Sanchez and Dr. Carlos Rivera.
World Voice Day - University of Miami 2015
“Cross-train your voice: the vocal mechanism and its use in multiple genres”
Presentation by Dr. Maria Denison, Dr. Ana Flavia Zuim, Dr. Kate Reid and
Dr. Rachel Lebon.